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    The presented articles are functional and practical accessories for growing plants in the outdoor/indoor system. In the catalog you will find a wide selection of fabric pots. Made of high-quality flexible geotextile fabric, they provide seedlings with good conditions for growth. A pot made of fabric and breathable material is a great alternative to a plastic container. In the growshop you will buy oval and square models, with and without handles. Different capacities (from a few to several tens of liters) will allow you to adjust the products to your current needs and the size of your garden. We have great prices - so we encourage you to place orders!

    Breathable fabric flower pots - what advantages do they have?

    Among the most important advantages offered by fabric breathable flower pots are :

    • good drainage, filtration, separation properties,

    • resistance to UV radiation, mold, bacteria, which prevents seedlings from rotting,

    • no accumulation of water on the bottom of the pot - its excess freely penetrates through

    • the
    • material to theoutside,

    • even aeration of the root system,

    • flexible, soft design that allows the plant to optimally adapt to the size of

    • the
    • fabricaccessories .

    Another advantage is environmental and ecosystem friendliness. Each breathable fabric pot isrecyclable. When not in use, it can be folded flat, which is useful for storage or transportation. Theelegant finish of thefabric will make the articles a decoration for the terrace or garden.

    Breathable fabric pots - create good conditions for plants to grow

    The presented properties of fabric products allow us to conclude that additions made of breathable material provide good development conditions for crops. Plants planted in such pots adapt quickly. Their root systems are protected from both moisture and drying out.

    We offer products from the best manufacturers. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the details of our attractively priced and diversified assortment of various containers.

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